Be A Member
Be A Member

General Membership
$50.00 pp per annum
202 Club membership
$202.00 pp per annum
Cargo Club Membership
$5,000 per annum
Join the team
Fill in the form below to join the Marsh Foundation team.
Donate Goods
We need medical goods, particularly rehabilitation equipment, single beds, mattresses, children’s clothes, educational goods, toys and books. Please don’t give us anything unless it’s in good condition. We don’t want to fill the tips of our recipients countries.
Donate Money
Financially of course we need money! It costs $5,000 for each 40ft container. Any amount is gratefully received.
Contact us here for details on how to make a cash donation.
We need assistance with packing containers, transport, even people to travel to Indonesia to assist with our work there, particularly rehabilitation experts, environment controls, clean water specialists, teachers, gardeners, etc – there are jobs to be done whatever your expertise, even muscle!
To become a member of The Marsh Foundation please fill in our membership applcation form and we will be in touch to discuss our many Membership options with you.
Memberships start from as low as $50.00.
Contact Us

1/193a Lennox St,
Richmond, Victoria 3121 Australia
A.B.N. 28 122 954 214